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AI Assistant for Clinical Study Education: Enhance Learning and Research Efficiency

AI offers educational support tools for doctors in their daily basics to efficiently manage patients.


Medical professionals are tasked with keeping abreast of the ever-evolving body of clinical knowledge, a daunting endeavor given the sheer volume of data dispersed across numerous publications. Accessing this information swiftly and effectively during patient care is a significant challenge, impeding the ability to respond to patient needs and adhere to treatment protocols. While clinical decisions are ideally guided by current, objective evidence (1), the reality is that doctors often face constraints due to the inaccessibility of data in real time, limited time, and the subjective nature of some patient decisions. Additionally, the variability of symptoms and the emergence of new disease variants complicate the diagnosis in primary care settings (2).

On average, a physician spends about 8 hours weekly searching for medical information, yet up to half of this information may not be utilized in clinical decision-making, signifying a considerable waste of time and resources (3)(4). In an environment where time is a scarce commodity, the protracted process of locating pertinent information can detract from patient care. Moreover, advancements like fuzzy logic present innovative approaches in disease study and diagnostics that are not yet fully integrated into standard practice (5)(6).

Why it matters

  • Medical professionals struggle to keep up with vast and evolving clinical knowledge, which impedes their ability to respond to patient needs and adhere to treatment protocols.
  • Physicians spend about 8 hours weekly searching for information, with up to 50% often unused in decision-making.
  • Time constraints and challenges in accessing up-to-date data, along with symptom variability and new disease variants, highlight the need for efficient information retrieval and innovative diagnostic approaches.


MedSearch is an AI-based digital assistant built to streamline searching and analyzing medical literature in PubMed, giving healthcare professionals the information they need at the right time.

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MedSearch leverages the extensive PubMed repository to search for the latest research articles, clinical trials, and guidelines relevant to healthcare consultations and patient cases.


  1. N. Joison, R.J. Barcudi, E.A. Majul, S.A. Ruffino, J.J. De Mateo Rey. Artificial intelligence in medical education and health prediction. Method Magazine. Catholic University of Córdoba [Internet]. January 2021.
  2. World Health Organization, WHO (s/f). Tests for action. Abril de 2024.
  3. F. Avila-Tomás, M.A. Mayer-Pujadas, V.J. Quesada-Varela. Artificial intelligence and its applications in medicine II: Current importance and practical applications. Elsevier [Internet]. January 2021.
  4. Institute of Medicine (US) Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation. Transforming Clinical Research in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities: Workshop Summary. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2010. 2. Miller, JE. Institutional Review Board: Management and Function. Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2005.
  5. I. Medinaceli Díaz, M.M. Silva Choque. Impact and regulation of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare field. Scielo [internet]. March 2022.
  6. Núñez, Diego, Mascaró, Jordi, Quecedo, Luis, Gol-Montserrat, Jordi, del Llano Señarís, Juan. Artificial Intelligence and Clinical Decisions: How doctor behavior is changing.Researchgate. December 2020.

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